Thursday 16 December 2010

Missing my nuts.... and seeds for breakfast

Day 1 accomplished - food-wise anyway

My first day to live below the line went well…ish. Of course, nothing bad happened, and I ate £1 worth of food, but I greatly missed my additional breakfast ingredients, such as nuts, seeds, dried cranberries and soya yogurt. Despite being filling enough and keeping me going for hours, cereals with a banana and soya milk weren’t quite the same. I guess, missing food makes you appreciating it more when you do have it.

Lunch and dinner were a little more exciting for me, though to be honest, it was just one of my usual staple meals: quinoa with lentils, chickpeas and broccoli. I like it because you can easily cook it up in one pot and not dirty more dishes than necessary. Just boil the lentils for five minutes before you add the quinoa and later the broccoli. Drain, season with salt and pepper and you’re done! Easy!

As quinoa is one of the most expensive grains compared to rice or even buckwheat groats, I did spend just about the whole £1 on food today. Breakfast was 25p and lunch and dinner combined cost me 72p. There was no money left to buy snacks although I didn’t even crave any. Now I’m hoping I won’t wake up hungry in the middle of the night. As you can see in the photos my meals weren’t particularly big…

On a different note, I was thinking of making the LBTL challenge more interesting by start measuring my waist to see if I lose any weight. The idea came more or less from my friend Jeremy who posted the following on my Facebook:  that's an awesome idea uschi! I'm surprised it's not more common, really. "The Poverty Line Diet -- Lose Stomach Fat With This One Weird Tip". 

Of course, it's not the purpose of this challenge to lose weight but it wouldn't harm to see if and how much I lose over the next 8 days...

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